Even when your comfortably past the half century mark in age, a trip through Nevada, re-kindles those youthful memories full-filling identical feelings. Anticipation and excitement of what awaits, just over the next mountain range.
This week-end began on a recommendations. "Hey take Hi-way 50, then along Hi-way 277" Sure why not, who doesn`t like to travel an undiscovered road. About 20 miles along the new road. Which as it turned out what was once, the only passage way thru this part of Nevada. It was as if transported to another world. Incredible out-crops of colored rocks. Sculptural Monoliths all back-dropped by the elusive green pinion pines heavy with ripe nuts. Lavender tinted Junipers were shedding their berries, bows hanging and dripping, as the scent filled the canyons, in an aroma therapy like experience. The Aspens and Choke Cherry`s were a blaze with Autumn Color as every winding turn revealed a new display. Over the mountain range, the hi-way became as straight as an arrow, thru desert playa`s and volcanic moon like rock outcrops along the valley floor. The horizon swallowed ones view matched by a huge blue sky and balmy temperatures. All that was missing was the convertible. Lush Green Alfalfa fields were covered, with healthy antelopes their coats so shiny they glistened in the light, being so close you could see the color of their big brown eyes. Birds of prey, would be perched on their favorite post, as to appear to greet then soar.
Our first sign of life in near a 100 miles appeared. The small mountain town of Austin, Nevada. With a quick wave and a nod to the folks along main street, was off again traveling, the last leg of the Destination:
Fellow friends and Co-Owners, Jim,Mike&Tony, had arrived the night prior. It`s hard to fully explain, once you arrive at the spiritual like location, the mine transforms ones senses with an invigorating energy. A place where brilliant colored minerals yield magnificent turquoise gemstones. The veins producing an ever changing appearance and beauty to the turquoise stones...
With true vision and quest, the Gem Stone is harvested in the most kind of ways. Never a blasting cap, nor
heavy equipment is used. Only respect for this magnificent stone. I have never proclaimed to be a Singer, a Poet, or even a Writer. I do proclaim to be an Artist. As such it is an honor, to create from this stone.
Wish to express from myself and the other co-owners, a huge "Thank-You"... to all the many supporting
artisans and those wearing admirers. Who have embraced and shared their excitement as well appreciation for "The lazy Old Men Turquoise". Destined to be recognized as one of the most beautiful of all...
Humphrey Loves the Mine!!
Bird in Flight! Courtesy Photo : Mike
Graced by a Red Tailed Hawk!
This week-end began on a recommendations. "Hey take Hi-way 50, then along Hi-way 277" Sure why not, who doesn`t like to travel an undiscovered road. About 20 miles along the new road. Which as it turned out what was once, the only passage way thru this part of Nevada. It was as if transported to another world. Incredible out-crops of colored rocks. Sculptural Monoliths all back-dropped by the elusive green pinion pines heavy with ripe nuts. Lavender tinted Junipers were shedding their berries, bows hanging and dripping, as the scent filled the canyons, in an aroma therapy like experience. The Aspens and Choke Cherry`s were a blaze with Autumn Color as every winding turn revealed a new display. Over the mountain range, the hi-way became as straight as an arrow, thru desert playa`s and volcanic moon like rock outcrops along the valley floor. The horizon swallowed ones view matched by a huge blue sky and balmy temperatures. All that was missing was the convertible. Lush Green Alfalfa fields were covered, with healthy antelopes their coats so shiny they glistened in the light, being so close you could see the color of their big brown eyes. Birds of prey, would be perched on their favorite post, as to appear to greet then soar.
Our first sign of life in near a 100 miles appeared. The small mountain town of Austin, Nevada. With a quick wave and a nod to the folks along main street, was off again traveling, the last leg of the Destination:
Fellow friends and Co-Owners, Jim,Mike&Tony, had arrived the night prior. It`s hard to fully explain, once you arrive at the spiritual like location, the mine transforms ones senses with an invigorating energy. A place where brilliant colored minerals yield magnificent turquoise gemstones. The veins producing an ever changing appearance and beauty to the turquoise stones...
With true vision and quest, the Gem Stone is harvested in the most kind of ways. Never a blasting cap, nor
heavy equipment is used. Only respect for this magnificent stone. I have never proclaimed to be a Singer, a Poet, or even a Writer. I do proclaim to be an Artist. As such it is an honor, to create from this stone.
Wish to express from myself and the other co-owners, a huge "Thank-You"... to all the many supporting
artisans and those wearing admirers. Who have embraced and shared their excitement as well appreciation for "The lazy Old Men Turquoise". Destined to be recognized as one of the most beautiful of all...
Humphrey Loves the Mine!!
Bird in Flight! Courtesy Photo : Mike
Graced by a Red Tailed Hawk!