Thursday, April 26, 2012

Head Waters of the Lost Sierra

In the Lost Sierra Mountains there are no major roads which provide a means of transportation.You plan your route with Topo maps and a GPS unit. Rocks are stacked every 1/4 mile in marking. Your access being a game trail indigenous animals will travel for a drink.

The Rugged Steep terrain studded with fragrant Junipers, Cedars, and Pine. Redwood Manzanita bushes nestled against granitic rocks. Wild flowers popping in colorful displays. Creeks flow of winter`s snow echoing through the canyon walls.

                                                           Canyon View

                               Winding through the Slot


                           Entering Canyon Meadow

 Slippery Slide for the Brook Trout

                        Stirrings of a Boulder Monster

Canyon Meadow

Fingerlings Frolic between the Rocks

Willow Winds


Mopheads & Punk Rocks

                                                         Timeless Bliss

                       NEXT IMAGES

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A client wrote: "Imagine Tiny Drops of Dew Twinkling Upon the Wings of a Raven"

            Self Prospected "Ludwigite Druze"Skarn Formation

             Self Prospected "Ludwigite Druze"Skarn Formation 

             Self Prospected "Ludwigite Druze"Skarn Formation 

   Self Prospected "Ludwigite Druze"Skarn Formation 


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Had a rough day lately?

When you think the World could not be more different!

                                     We learn it`s better to get along  : )