Sunday, January 1, 2012

" 2012" WINNERS of First Annual "CABOCHON GIVE AWAY"

 Thanks to all that gave up there favorite Recipes, for the First Annual Cabochon Give Away at LostSierra, New Years Day, "2012".
  Here are the winners with their Thigh Busting  Recipes: Congratulations! Hope everybody is enjoying the wonderful Recipes! I have been going down the list, and have Gorged myself, on over half of the decadent recipes:

 First Place Winner with,"Rich Spiked Cocoa": Veronica Mae Sampson."Veee"..Her choice, of One Compassion Stone, from a Lot of three!
Second Place Winner with "Artisan Bread":   Rosamond Bain "Jumpimg Junipers"...Cast  Iron Prospectors Door Knocker.
Third Place Winner with "Pumpkin Cheese Cake":  Carol Braden "Silver Trove" ........$15.00 Gift Certificate To LostSierra.
Forth Place Winner with "Beeroc"  : Jennifer Rayn Sloan "Turquoise Rayn"..............$10.00 Gift Certificate to LostSierra
  Once again, Thanks to all the Special People, who gave there special Recipes, and to All, a Very Prosperous, Joyous , New Year.


  1. Congratulations to the winners!!!!!

    (I know there are a couple of recipes there I'm going to try....)

    What a great way to begin 2012--thanks, Terry!!

  2. Yippeee for me! I was actually browsing around this weekend, online, for a door knocker as our doorbell is moody! Wonderful! Thank you! And do try the bread if you get a chance - my daughters like the cheesy version, without the sundried tomatoes, as part of a French toast breakfast. Yum.
